When The Legal Processes Of Divorce Include Mediation
Divorce mediation is a process where a mediator – a third-party neutral – assists the parties in reaching a solution to their particular dispute. Mediators do not represent either party; they are neutral. Mediators do not have the power of a judge and will not decide the outcome of any dispute. Rather, the mediator helps the parties explore many possible areas of potential agreement and assists in clearly identifying issues for discussion and resolution.
Mediation, with only a few exceptions, is completely confidential. What is said during mediation cannot be used against one of the parties in a later court proceeding. Further, the mediator cannot be called as a witness. Confidentiality in mediation ensures free and open discussions, providing an incentive to explore all possible opportunities to reach an agreement.
Mediation is usually much faster, less expensive, and more flexible than litigation. Alternatives best suited for the parties and their children are explored without the constraints of the courtroom and the litigation process.
How Our Attorneys Can Help
At Barnes & Diehl, we have the experience to advise our clients on the appropriateness of resolving their divorces through mediation in Virginia. We also represent our clients during the mediation process and will attend mediation sessions with our clients, all in an effort to help our clients achieve their goals.
We make sure our clients enter into mediation sessions fully educated and aware of assets to which they may be entitled. At the end of mediation, we aim to have our clients clearly understand their rights and responsibilities under their agreement. We will also assist in drafting the agreement.
We Are Here To Explain Mediation And Guide You Through It
If you are not already represented by one of the attorneys in our firm, one of the firm’s shareholders is available to mediate your case.
Contact us by calling 800-626-9310 or complete an online inquiry form to schedule a consultation with an experienced lawyer.