Business And Asset Valuation For Property Division
Determining the value of a business involves much more than counting assets, property and expenses. Often, the most valuable asset that a business has is the intangible but essential “goodwill” that brings customers and clients to the door – both enterprise goodwill (pertaining to the business itself) and personal goodwill (pertaining to the proprietor’s reputation).
We Bring In Business Valuation Experts
When a business owner or co-owner is preparing to negotiate equitable property division in a divorce, the help of knowledgeable experts is important. An individual planning for a divorce often has many sources of stress and uncertainty. At Barnes & Diehl, our experienced family law attorneys reassure clients in all phases of a divorce through diligence, attention to detail, and zealous representation of their interests in settlement negotiations or mediation. Contact us to begin the dialog with one of our well-respected family law attorneys.
Goodwill builds intrinsic value in a business. Other intangible assets such as a family name, a brand or a service mark or trademark also figure into the overall value of a business. All information that contributes to a reliable valuation of a business is essential in the overall task of determining the value of a marital estate as well as separate assets held by husband or wife.
Contact An Attorney Regarding Business Valuation And Divorce In Virginia
An attorney from Barnes & Diehl, is prepared to offer valuable advice and direction as you prepare for a Virginia divorce where complex assets such as businesses are at stake. Our team approach offers a multidimensional analysis to your overall financial picture.
Protect your interests, as well as those of your children, in asset division negotiations before your Virginia divorce. Contact us at our Richmond area offices in Chesterfield and Henrico today for a review of your options.
Call 800-626-9310 or email us to schedule a consultation with an attorney. Get legal insights as you prepare to marry or seek clarity after a change of circumstances during a marriage, such as the startup of a business or receipt of an inheritance.